Monday, July 9, 2018

The Growing Importance Of Data Security

As technology continues to play an increased role in our lives, evidenced by the rise of the internet, heightened engagement on social media, and innovations like IoT, the more we’ve to be conscious of safeguarding our data.

Data security is a huge concern in this modern, oft-online world, as instances of hacking, breaches, and cybercrime in general continue to riddle the news. The information age has affected our society in unprecedented levels, seeping into everyday essentials, from banking and vehicles to our medical needs and bills payments.

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Not to mention most companies now have significant online operations. We should be especially keen to the necessary precautions to secure our data and protect our privacy. The storage needed for voluminous modern personal and work-related data keeps growing, driving many to use online technologies like Cloud. But even this is not safe; studies show that cybercrime on the Cloud platform will triple by 2020, from the figures in 2015.

We must embrace better protocols for encryption and password choices, as well as continue backing-up our data on physical devices like portable hard drives and SSDs. Huge businesses, on the other hand, must enforce improved cyber security strategies. For example, they can conduct regular phishing assessments among employees to track potential email-based scams.

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Secure Channels offers solutions related to access control, data protection, adaptable encryption, enterprise confidentiality solutions, and proximity-based monitoring. Read more related articles here.